Bonnyville Emergency Services
Look on the map of Bonnyville to view the fire department, municipal ambulance and police department.
Calling 911
If you need urgent police, fire, or medical assistance, DIAL the numbers 9-1-1. DO NOT try to determine if you have an emergency; the 9-1-1 Centre will assist you.
We hope you never need to make an emergency 9-1-1 call but if you do:
- Stay calm. Don’t get excited. Take a deep breath.
- Speak clearly.
- State the problem you are reporting
- Be prepared to answer the following:
- location of the situation
- your name
- phone number you are calling from
- other as required
- Listen carefully to the questions asked and the questions given.
Bonnyville RCMP
4515 54 Avenue
Bonnyville, Alberta
T9N 0C2
Administration Telephone: 780-343-7200
Complaints: 780-826-3358
Fax: 780-826-3533
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is Canada’s national police service, providing law enforcement services in detachments across the country. The RCMP is proud of its historic link with Canada’s past, and its tradition of providing Canadians with quality service.
RCMP Mission Statement
To provide, as much as possible, a twenty-four hour police presence that maximizes pubic safety by upholding the law fairly and firmly; by preventing crime; by pursuing and bringing to justice those who break the law; by keeping the peace, by protecting; by involving and informing the people of BONNYVILLE; and to do all of this with integrity, common sense and sound judgment.
The RCMP Bonnyville Detachment, led by S/Sgt. Sarah Parke, currently employs eighteen regular members and six support staff. This detachment is responsible for policing the Town of Bonnyville, the M.D. of Bonnyville, and Kehewin First Nations.
Community Programs
The RCMP Bonnyville Detachment is involved in numerous programs in the community dealing with crime prevention, drug awareness, community participation, and many other successful programs. These include the DARE Program (Drug Awareness Resistance Education), Community Policing Committee, Block Parent, Crime Stoppers, Auxiliary Program, School Liaison Program, Search and Rescue, and Rural Crime Watch.