Commercial Tax Incentive Program

The Town of Bonnyville Commercial Tax Incentive Program is designed to stimulate new commercial construction and commercial renovation within the Town limits.

The program is intended to provide tax incentives on the improved value of the land in question. The program provides tax relief on the municipal portion of the commercial property tax in the amounts of 100% in year 1, 100% in year 2, 100% in year 3, 75% in year 4 and 50% in year 5.

For example, the current non-residential tax value of a hypothetical empty commercial property is $1,500 per year. A developer then builds a $800,000 building on the site: the normal taxes on a site like this would be approximately $12,434/year.

The tax on the property would be:

  • Year 1: $1,500.
  • Year 2: $1,500.
  • Year 3: $1,500.
  • Year 4: $3,787.
  • Year 5: $6,075.

The Commercial Tax incentive program also applies to renovated properties. However, most renovated buildings would have a higher starting point. For example, if the property value of the subject business is $500,000 and the renovations increase the value of the property, then taxes would be based on the initial value for Years 1-3 and a 75% and 50% reduction on the improved value in year 4 and 5. Renovations need to be a minimum of $25,000 to qualify.

For more information on the program, please contact:

Mark Laver

Economic Development Officer:


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