Also, check out Candidate Training Opportunities
The Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) was recently updated with many changes since the 2017 General Municipal Election. A current copy of the LAEA can be found here.
Becoming a Candidate:
The Town of Bonnyville has developed a 2021 Municipal Election Nomination Guide which can be found here. Printed copies of this package are available at the Town of Bonnyville Administration Office located at 4917-49 Avenue.
Qualifications of Candidates (section 21 LAEA):
21(1) A person may be nominated as a candidate in any election under this Act if on nomination day the person
(a) is eligible to vote in that election,
(b) has been a resident of the local jurisdiction and the ward, if any, for the 6 consecutive months immediately preceding nomination day, and
(c) is not otherwise ineligible or disqualified.
Candidate Ineligibility (section 22 LAEA):
22(1) A person is not eligible to be nominated as a candidate in any election under this Act if on nomination day
(a) the person is the auditor of the local jurisdiction for which the election is to be held;
(b) subject to subsection (4), the person is an employee of the local jurisdiction for which the election is to be held unless the person takes a leave of absence under this section;
(c) the person is indebted to the municipality of which the person is an elector for taxes in default exceeding $50, excluding from that amount
(i) any indebtedness for current taxes, and
(ii) any indebtedness for arrears of taxes for which the person has entered into a consolidation agreement with the municipality, unless the person is in default in the payment of any money due under the agreement;
(d) the person is indebted to the local jurisdiction for which the election is to be held for any debt exceeding $500 and in default for more than 90 days;
(d.1) the person has, within the previous 10 years, been convicted of an offence under this Act, the Election Act, the Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act or the Canada Elections Act (Canada).
Under the Municipal Government Act, all candidates elected will be required to attend Orientation Training within 90 days after the Councillor takes the oath of office. This training will be scheduled prior to the end of the calendar year.
Nomination Period and Submission of Your Nomination Papers:
The nomination period for the 2021 General Municipal Election is January 1, 2021 until noon September 20, 2021. As January 1st is a statutory holiday, nominations can be received starting on January 4th, 2021 at the Town of Bonnyville Administration office.
All prospective nominees must submit the following:
- $100.00 Deposit (cash, certified cheque, debit card or money order payable to the Town of Bonnyville)
- Form 4 Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance
- Form 5 Candidate Financial Information
- Candidate Information Form
- Form 16R Statement of Scrutineer or Official Agent (if Scrutineer or Official Agent is appointed)
Please note:
- The nomination form can only be accepted by the Returning Officer during the nomination period.
- Filing of the nomination form may be done in person.
- Someone other than the candidate may file the nomination form on the candidate’s behalf, but the candidate is responsible to ensure the nomination form is complete and is sworn before a Commissioner for Oaths before filing.
- Mailed, faxed or emailed copies of the nomination form will not be accepted.
A list of registered candidates (First and Last Name) and the office they are nominated for will be published on this site and updated on Fridays until the close of the nominations.
Campaign Finances:
The Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) Part 5.1 Election Finances and Contributions Disclosure outlines rules with regards to campaign contributions and expenses. Requirements under this Part have changed since the 2017 General Municipal Election.
A summary of the duties of registered candidates include:
- Open a bank account (at time of nomination or after receiving $1,000.00 in contributions);
- Record contributions and expenditures;
- Issue receipts for contributions; and
- Submit a Campaign Disclosure Statement (required by all candidates whether elected or not) to the Town of Bonnyville by March 1st, 2022.
*Failure of a candidate to comply can lead to a penalty.
*Candidates must file their nomination papers to the Returning Officer prior to accepting any contributions.
Limitations on Contributors:
- Only an individual who ordinarily resides in Alberta
- No prohibited organizations and no individuals ordinarily residents outside of Alberta
- Limit of $5,000 per contributors
- Limit of $10,000 of own contribution
Complaints about campaign finance activities related to candidates can be directed to the Alberta Election Commissioner.
Candidates are encouraged to obtain their own legal advice to ensure compliance under this section.
Scrutineers may be appointed by candidates to observe during the Advance Vote and on Election Day. Scrutineers must be 18 years of age or over. A person convicted of an offence under the Local Authorities Election Act, the Election Act or the Canada Elections Act in the past 10 years are ineligible to be a scrutineer.
Scrutineers may observe the election process with the exception of Voters marking their ballots. Scrutineers cannot vouch for a person to validate their identity and address.
A candidate can have one scrutineer in a voting station at a time. The candidate, their official agent and a scrutineer cannot be in a voting station at the same time (one person at a time). The scrutineer does not have to remain at the voting station during the whole of voting hours. A scrutineer may change throughout the day. A scrutineer may come and go from the voting station.
The candidate and their official agent or scrutineer are not permitted to be in the voting station the at same time during voting hours or ballot counting. If a candidate or their agent wishes to speak with the scrutineer, it must be outside of the voting station. Candidates, their official agent or scrutineers must be present in the voting station before 8:00 p.m. on Election Day if they wish to view the ballot count. NO ONE is permitted to enter the voting station after 8:00 p.m.
The following information should be reviewed by all prospective candidates:
The Town of Bonnyville: 2021 Municipal Election Nomination Guide
Municipal Affairs: A Candidate’s Guide: Running for Municipal Office in Alberta
Town of Bonnyville Bylaw No. 1506-20 Election Bylaw
Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA)
The Local Democracy Pledge
The Local Democracy Pledge (the Pledge) is a voluntary commitment that candidates can make to voters to uphold key democratic principles – ahead of Alberta’s 2021 municipal elections – to improve the quality and tone of political discourse. The Pledge promotes fair and transparent municipal elections, free from undue partisan or financial influences.
What is the Pledge?
The Pledge is a voluntary commitment a candidate can make to support democratic local elections as they carry out their campaigns to:
- Keep local elections local by focusing their campaigns on issues that municipal elected officials can influence.
- Maintain independence and non-partisanship by rejecting any endorsements which would undermine their accountability to municipal residents or the autonomy of the municipality.
- Demonstrate transparency by sharing their vision for the municipality and providing pre-election disclosure of campaign contributions and spending.
- Engage in respectful behaviour by sharing their perspective, while respecting and seeking to understand differences.
Are you ready to take the Pledge?
To download the Pledge visit:
Any questions regarding the 2021 General Municipal Election or Becoming a Candidate can be directed to:
Bill Rogers Renee Stoyles Returning Officer Substitute Returning Officer Phone: (780)826-3496 Phone: (780) 826-3496 Email: Email: