Kayla Blanchette
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Councillor Kayla Blanchette was elected on October 18, 2021.
Kayla is a long-time resident of the Town of Bonnyville and has a strong passion for the community in which she grew up and continues to reside here with her family today. Kayla’s two children, Parker and Amelia, give her the drive to ensure Bonnyville is the best it can be for its community members to live, work, play, and prosper into the future.
Councillor Blanchette is currently a post-secondary student working toward a degree in social work, an area that provides her with knowledge and experience she feels will serve her well during her tenure on Council. In her earlier years, Kayla was employed in the local legal field, where she spent a collective 12 years gaining valuable skills and forming relationships with various members of the community. Kayla has also been involved with several community groups and organizations including local school councils; her work with community champions and local businesses to meet the needs of seniors in the community; her ongoing support for Blaise Hunter and the Footprints Pregnancy Loss & Support Initiative; and her continued support for Adoption Options providing community outreach and advocacy for positive adoption awareness in the region. Councillor Blanchette looks forward to becoming further involved in local groups and organizations through her board and committee appointments this term.
Councillor Blanchette became inspired to become involved in local politics because she felt that municipal government was where she could most effectively make a difference at a local level. She feels that her beliefs, values, and strong moral compass will guide her during her first term. She commits to listening, learning, and advocating to ensure Bonnyville’s citizens are heard. Councillor Blanchette believes the consideration of the community as a whole is of paramount importance, and she looks forward to working with her fellow Members of Council during the next 4 years.