Students Visit Town Hall

Mar 31, 2022 | News

BONNYVILLE – There were some new faces around the Council table yesterday.

Grade 6 students from Ecole Des Beaux-Lacs had the opportunity to study municipal government from Town of Bonnyville CAO Bill Rogers, Mayor Elisa Brosseau, and members of Council.

After receiving a tour of the Town Hall, attendees held a mock Council meeting in the Council Chambers.

Students learned the procedures that Council follow for regular meetings and elected a Chair for the meeting. They discussed a Capital Budget and decided on what their priorities were as a Council for Capital projects.

Included in the Agenda were two topics that were meant to open the floor for debate between everyone. The topics included an amendment to the Town’s Animal Control Bylaw and Halloween Curfew Bylaw.

Towards the end of the meeting, Question Period allowed students to ask each other, administration, and members of Council about anything they wished to.

The trip was organized as part of the Grade 6 curriculum where students learn about the different levels of government.

If any other schools are interested in coming for a tour and a mock Council Meeting, please call the Town of Bonnyville Office at 780-826-3496.

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