BONNYVILLE – The 2023 Interim Budgets for the Town of Bonnyville have been given the green light by Council.
During the Dec. 13 Regular Meeting, Council passed balanced 2023 Interim Operational and Capital Budgets for the municipality. The Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires municipalities pass balanced interim budgets by Dec. 31 of each calendar year.
“As situations tend to change between Christmas and April when tax bylaws get passed and provincial budgets are released, our final budget will be approved by Council at that time,” explained Town CAO Bill Rogers. “We’ll be revisiting this again at the end of April.”
The Operational Budget is balanced at $23,334,729. This was done through a number of ways, including a two per cent tax increase, two per cent utility and garbage fee increase, increases for Landfill and Transfer Station rates, and a transfer from the General Operating Reserve of $320,835. Administration also reduced the amount that was requested by local organizations and non profits to align with what they’ve received in previous years.
Administration also presented a balanced $16,390,093 Capital Budget.
Renee Stoyles, the Town’s General Manager of Corporate Services, outlined that the municipality is anticipating roughly $1.11 million in provincial grants, $6.17 million in 2023 funding from ID 349,which is based on what was received in 2021, along with revenue from grant applications of about $730,260 that hasn’t been confirmed just yet, and from a debenture of $1.06 both for the Water Reservoir have been included. Local Improvement Tax Revenue is also in the Capital Budget in the amount of $84,000 for the potential Lane Paving Project.
An Aquatics Centre has been prioritized to be completed in 2025. In the Capital Budget, the Recreation and Wellness Project in the amount of $2,783,386 in 2023 has been updated to identify the Aquatics Centre.
Any capital projects not completed in 2022 may be carried over to the 2023 year or deferred until future years. These costs will be known once the 2022 year-end has been completed and added to the 2023 final budget.