Council Highlights Oct. 8, 2024

Oct 21, 2024 | News



OCTOBER 8, 2024


DELEGATION: Bonnyville-Cold Lake-St. Paul MLA Scott Cyr made a delegation to Council. He answered questions regarding updates on Hwy. 28 construction, crime reduction, where the provincial government stood on the Pathways Alliance project, among others.

EXPANDED POOL REPAIRS: During the Bonnyville Swimming Pool’s annual shutdown for maintenance, Nova Mechanical inspected both boilers and identified that both need to be replaced. Council approved the replacement of these boilers at a cost of $ $63,500 to be allocated from the Pool Capital Reserve.

PUBLIC WORKS HEATER UNIT AND BOILER REPLACEMENTS: The roof heater units at the Town Public Works Shop are still working but are at the end of their lifespan. The Shop boiler went down recently and it is beyond repair. Council approved up to $69,775 from the General Operating Reserve, if required, to complete these projects.

FUNDING REQUESTS: A $2,000 sponsorship was approved by Council for the Bonnyville Sr. AA Pontiacs, which will pay for a half-page ad in their Game Day Program and a full Score Clock ad.

The Kryla Ukrainian Dancers Malanka event, which is being held on Jan. 11, 2025, was approved for a $1,200 sponsorship.

The Bonnyville Snowdusters will receive a $250 sponsorship to assist with the costs of renting tables for the Alberta Snowmobile ATV and Off-Road Show in Edmonton from Oct. 18 to 19.

A $250 sponsorship was approved for the Stepping Stones Crisis Society’s Walk a Mile in Their Shoes event. It will be held in Cold Lake at the Energy Centre on Nov. 9.

NLLS LEVY: The Town of Bonnyville contributes annually to the Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) based on a levy calculated using municipal populations. The NLLS 2025 interim budget included a 1.5 per cent rate increase, which would bring the Town’s total contribution to $35,128.34. Council accepted the NLLS budget with the increase.

BRIEFLY: Bylaw No. 1578-24 – Build Bonnyville – New Housing Incentive Grant Bylaw received first reading by Council. Once approved, this bylaw will encourage development of new residential housing on single family residential lots within the Town of Bonnyville. It will allow owners and developers to apply for a grant for up to $25,000 for a qualifying project, which is a new single-family dwelling unit on a single parcel of land. The bylaw will be brought before Council at a future meeting, with amendments suggested, for second and third reading.

The Municipal Planning Commission approved Development permits for a side yard variance for a deck, women’s shelter comparable to supportive living and health services, and women’s transitional housing.

A letter of support was approved by Council for the Hope’s Cradle Program to be operated out of the Bonnyville Health Centre emergency department.

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