Council Highlights March 26, 2024

Apr 4, 2024 | 2024, Council Highlights, News





DELEGATION: A representative from Accurate Assessment Group Ltd. made a delegation to Council about the previous year’s property assessments. A property assessment is the process of assigning a dollar value to a property for taxation purposes. Bonnyville’s assessments went down by roughly two per cent in 2023 when compared to 2022. Residential assessment saw a two per cent dip and non-residential dropped by roughly three per cent. Both Linear/DIP and farmland saw increases, while exempt properties saw a decrease. Residents who have concerns with their assessments will have the opportunity to attend an open house with Accurate Assessment Group Ltd.

PUBLIC HEARING: A Public hearing was held for the Land Use Bylaw Amendment 1564-24. There were no members of the public present to speak for or against the suggested amendment. The amendment added Blade Signs to the signs section of the current Land Use Bylaw No. 1447-16. Second and third reading were provided for the amended bylaw.

LAKESHORE DRIVE PARK AREA COMMUNITY RECREATION PLAN: The development of the Lakeshore Drive Community Recreation Plan was awarded to Stantec Consulting for $73,974. The purpose of this plan is to achieve Council’s Vision and have a forward-thinking view of possible recreational or cultural upgrades along the Lakeshore Drive Park Area.

FUNDING REQUESTS: A $4,000 donation will be given to École des Beaux-Lacs to assist with costs of hosting the 2024 ASAA 1A Girls Volleyball Provincial Championships. It will be held from Nov. 20 to 23 at École des Beaux-Lacs and Bonnyville Centralized High School. The tournament is expected to bring 10 teams to the community, along with their coaches, parents, and fans.

A donation will be provided to the Bonnyville Centralized High School (BCHS) 2024 Grad Parent Committee in the amount of $250 to assist with the costs of the 2024 Graduation.

The Town will purchase a table of eight for $1,000 for the Hearts for Healthcare Gala.

Council denied a funding request from the Lakeland Panthers U15AA Hockey Club as they have already received funding from the Town in the 2024 calendar year.

A $500 donation was approved by Council to the Lakeland Centre for FASD to sponsor one child to attend the FASD summer camp in 2024.

BRIEFLY: First reading was provided for the Amending Bylaw 1565-24 and a public hearing is scheduled for April 23, 2024.

Council approved the Commercial Gap Analysis Report. The findings from the study will be used extensively by the Town’s Economic Development Officer to attract new businesses to the Town of Bonnyville.

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