Council Highlights Jan. 28

Feb 3, 2025 | News


RURAL RENEWAL STREAM: A motion was passed to pause the Town’s participation in the Rural Renewal Stream program until the program can be reviewed. This was done due to changes from the Government of Alberta to the Alberta Advantage Immigration Program, which has significantly impacted the efficiency and viability of the Rural Renewal Stream Program. The matter will be sent to the Economic Development Committee and be brought back to a future Council Meeting. 

BYLAWS: First Reading was provided to Bylaw No. 1589-25 the Multiunit Housing Incentive Grant Bylaw. As drafted, the bylaw provides a reimbursement grant of $10,000 for each new dwelling unit constructed to a maximum of 50 units. The units would consist of new developments with two or more dwelling units. The grant will be provided to the owner once the construction is complete and an occupancy permit has been issued with no deficiencies. 

The Water and Sewer Bylaw No. 1587- 25 received first reading. The Water and Sewer Bylaw is being updated to improve service delivery and communication with residents. Updates include current practices, new vocabulary, reference to current legislation and an increase to fine amounts for contravention of the Bylaw.

Council gave three readings to Bylaw No. 1590-25 Taxation of Exempt Property Bylaw. The bylaw will make properties defined as affordable housing by the Ministry of Seniors, Community and Social Services taxable.

DELEGATION: Lise Fielding and Clayton Bellamy made a delegation to Council on behalf of the Clayton Bellamy Foundation for the Arts. They gave an update on the progress of the Bonnyville Strathcona Performing Arts Centre and requested the Town be a guarantee on a loan up to $800,000 to ensure the construction of the facility can be completed.

LETTERS OF SUPPORT: A letter of support for the Lakeland Society for Truth and Reconciliation for their application for funding through Heritage Canada was ratified. Any funding they may receive will go towards activities on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Council ratified a letter of support for the Hive by Kickstand Bonnyville’s application to the Youth Mental Health Fund. The proposed project seeks to address critical gaps in mental health care for underserved and equity-deserving youth populations, enhance partnerships with schools, churches, caregivers, mental health providers, and physicians, and build a holistic and inclusive framework for accessible mental health and social services.

BRIEFLY: Council approved the Health Professions Attraction and Retention Committee Terms of Reference.

A request for waiver of property taxes by the Orphan Well Association for properties impacted by the Trican Well leaking was tabled for a future Council Meeting.

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