INTERIM BUDGETS APPROVED: Council passed the balanced 2025 Interim Operating and Capital Budgets. The Operating Budget included a two per cent Residential Municipal Tax Dollar Increase, a four per cent Multi-Family and Non-Residential Municipal Tax Dollar Increase, a two per cent Utility and Garbage Rate Increase, and a transfer from General Operating Reserve in the amount of $778,075 to balance. Also included in the interim budget was a reduction of requests from Community Organizations, along with other minor amendments. The balanced Capital Budget includes Administration’s anticipation of $1,581,024 in Provincial Grant Funding which is an increase of $144,971 over 2024 and $5,542,672 from the 2024 ID349 Funding. Local improvement tax revenue in the amount of $84,000 is included, accounting for any potential lane paving projects. Reserve transfers for equipment replacement totals $736,963 and a reserve transfer in the amount of $847,304 has been included to balance the Capital Budget. As a result, the total amount transferred from reserves is $1,584,267. Administration reprioritized non-critical capital projects and included the proposed Aquatics Facility project. The Operating and Capital Plan was also approved by Council.
RESIDENTIAL TAX INCENTIVE BYLAW: Second and third reading were provided for the Residential Tax Incentive Bylaw. The bylaw includes tax incentives on the municipal portion of property taxes only. Incentives for years one to three would equate to 100 per cent, year four – 75 per cent and year five – 50 per cent. Incentives would include new and renovated development that increases the assessed value over the base assessment year by $25,000 or more and meets the criteria outlined in Bylaw No. 1582-24. This is consistent with the Non-Residential Tax Incentive Bylaw that was passed in 2023.
LAND USE AMENDMENT: A Public Hearing was held for the Land Use Bylaw Amendment No. 1567-24. No one was present to speak for or against the amendment. As a result, the bylaw received second and third reading. One of the key issues the amendment will address is some of the areas in Town that have smaller lots. This will allow the landowner to have a detached garage without using up most of the rear yard.
ELECTIONS BYLAW: Bylaw No. 1580-24, the Elections Bylaw received second and third reading. The bylaw was created to ensure recent amendments to the Local Authorities Election Act were captured. Significant changes due to these amendments include the removal of any references to the use of Automated Voting Machines, provisions of candidates to provide Criminal Record Checks with their nomination papers, update to payment methods accepted for the deposit to include e-transfer and debit, and an update to Voter Identification sections as a permanent Electors Register is required for Electors who wish to vote.
GENERAL ELECTION: Council appointed Renee Stoyles, Acting CAO for the Town, as Returning Officer for the 2025 General Election. They also appointed Brad Trimble, General Manager of Engineering and Operations, as the substitute Returning Officer. Council directed the Returning Officer to conduct institutional votes in the Bonnylodge, Bonnyville Health Centre, and Extendicare. An Elector Assistance at Home Vote will also take place.
DELEGATION: Bonnyville Municipal Library Manager Jill Tercier outlined the local facility’s 2025 budget. The Town’s portion of the library’s 2025 budget is $143, 537.37 out of an overall operating budget of $426,097.85. Tercier highlighted the programs the library offers and their plans to continue these, and more, in 2025. Their memberships in 2023 were just over 1,500, with 500 of those being new last year. The print circulation saw patrons checking out just under 40,000 items and just over 10,000 non-print items. Video and DVD borrowing was just under 10,000. Bonnyville’s library is a member of the Northern Lights Library System (NLLS).
FUNDING REQUESTS: A $250 donation was approved by Council to Bonnyville Karate-Do, which will assist them in covering the costs of renting the Bonnyville and District Centennial Centre for their fall tournament.
The Bonnyville Pottery Club will receive a $1,000 donation to assist with the costs of purchasing a special sink and taps.
BRIEFLY: Council approved the purchase of a pickup truck from Tercier Motors for $62,894.60. This is to replace a Public Works pickup truck that was involved in a collision in the summer.
MD of Bonnyville Coun. Mike Krywiak was appointed to the Bonnyville Municipal Library Board for a one-year term, which expires on Oct. 21, 2025.
Council approved a letter of support for the North East Muni-Corr Ltd.’s Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Grant application for the Alberta Iron Horse Trail Staging Area Design Plans project.
A letter of support for the Alberta Bilingual Municipalities Association for their Northern and Regional Economic Development (NRED) Grant was ratified.
Council ratified a letter of support for the Bonnyville and District Chamber of Commerce for their application for the NRED grant program.