Bonnyville RCMP Update July 7-14

Jul 14, 2023 | News

The Bonnyville RCMP were involved in 190 investigations from July 7-14.

On July 11 at 7:20 AM, a two vehicle collision occurred at the intersection of 50 Ave and 50 St when a vehicle was stopped at the red light waiting to proceed straight Westbound and another Westbound vehicle came up behind and rear ended it.  The 24-year-old male driver from Spruce Grove was charged with Following Too Close with a fine $243.  The driver of the vehicle that was rear-ended was treated and released from hospital.

On July 11 at 11:00 AM, a member of the Bonnyville RCMP was exiting the Detachment parking lot near the intersection of 54 Ave and 46 St just moments after a collision had taken place there. One of the driver’s waved the member down, quickly explained what had happened and pointed out the other vehicle, which had not pulled over and stopped. The member pulled over the offending vehicle and determined that the victim driver was Eastbound on 54 Ave and the driver of the other vehicle had proceeded into the intersection unsafely and caused the collision.  The 25-year-old female driver from Cold Lake was charged with Failing to Proceed Safely after Stopping at Intersection, which carries a fine of $243.

On July 11 at 12:50 PM, the Bonnyville RCMP received a complaint about a male passed out in the bush on a private property on Highway 41 near Township Rd 615.  RCMP attended the scene and noted the male to be in possession of break in tools and various property including some stolen tools belonging to a local business that had recently been broken into. The male was also in possession of contraband cigarettes. The 46-year-old male from Vegreville was charged under the Criminal Code of Canada for Possession of Stolen Property with a court date of September 5.  He was also charged by way of Provincial violation tickets for Trespassing ($600 fine), Possessing cigarettes not marked for tax-paid sale ($300 fine), and Having open Liquor ($120 fine).

S/Sgt. Sarah Parke Detachment Commander
Bonnyville Detachment RCMP

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