Council Highlights Sept. 12

Sep 19, 2023 | 2023, Council Highlights, News





DELEGATION: Bonnyville-Cold Lake-St. Paul MLA Scott Cyrcame as a Council delegation. Discussions revolved around Doctor recruitment, Alberta Health Services decentralizing their services, bringing Portage College programs back to Bonnyville, Hwy. 28 initiatives, where the Town is at when it comes to the new aquatics centre, and more.

HWY. 41 PRIVACY FENCE: The construction of the privacy fence along Hwy. 41 was awarded to KRW Construction for a total of $240,550.49, with an additional $25,552.49 to come from the General Capital Reserve.

ATCO ELECTRIC DISTRUBTION REVENUE FORECAST: The Town of Bonnyville will not amend the annual franchise fee percentage through ATCO Electric for 2024. The Town received a letter from ATCO Electric advising the forecasted 2024 franchise fee based on estimated distribution revenues. Council opted to keep the percentage franchise fee the same at 6.8 per cent.

DONATIONS: The Town will be purchasing a table of eight for $350 for the Bonnyville Friendship Centre’s Masquerade Ball/Fundraising Gala on Oct. 27.

A $500 donation from the Town will go towards the Lakeland Society for Truth and Reconciliation for their National Day of Truth and Reconciliation Commemorative Activities.

BRIEFLY: Bylaw No. 1554-23 – 2024 Residential Assessment and Supplementary Assessment Sub-Class Bylaw received all three readings. Residential Assessments will be divided into two classes: Single Family Residential and Multi-Family Residential.

Letters or Support for the Bonnyville Senior Citizen Society applications for the Community Facility Enhancement Grant and New Horizon for Seniors Grant were ratified by Council. The letters of support from the Town were sent Aug. 25 to ensure the deadlines were met for the grant applications.

The Lakeland Industry and Community Association’s (LICA) application for tax exemption was denied by Council.

Coun. Kayla Blanchette was appointed to be Council’s representation on the Bonnyville Wellness Coalition.

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