DELEGATION: Community Futures Lakeland General Manager Lisa Ford made a delegation to Council outlining what they do to help local businesses. Their purpose is to help rural communities develop and implement local solutions to challenges and opportunities.
APEX UTILITIES REVENUE FORECAST: Council passed a motion to advise APEX Utilities Inc. that the Town would not like to amend the annual franchise percentage for 2024. The franchise fee for 2024 is forecasted to be $853,164.23 which is $3,715 less than the 2023 budgeted amount of $856,879.00.
NLLS LEVY: Council accepted the Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) 2024 budget, which included a 1.5 per cent levy increase. This will raise the Town’s rate from $5.31 per capita to $5.39 per capita. However, the populations used for the 2024 Levy are the updated 2019 population figures which has Bonnyville at 6,422 bringing our total contribution to $34,614.58, which is $2,136 less than the 2023 contribution.
INDUSTRIAL LIFT STATION ROOF REPLACEMENT: A motion was passed to approve the West Industrial Life Station Roof Replacement for a cost of up to $17,115, with the funds to come from the Sewer Operating Reserve.
SPONSORSHIPS: The Town will be purchasing a $2,000 sponsorship of a full-page ad in the Bonnyville Sr. AA Pontiacs Game Day Program.
A $1,200 donation towards the venue rental fees for Kryla Ukrainian Dancers Malanka celebration was approved by Council. The event is being held on Jan. 13, 2024.
LETTERS OF SUPPORT: A letter of support was ratified by Council for the Bonnyville Friendship Centre’s application for the Government of Canada Indigenous Shelter and Transition Housing Initiative grant.
Council passed a motion to provide Ecole Notre Dame Elementary School with a letter of support for upcoming grant applications for upgrades to their playground equipment.
BYLAW: Bylaw No. 1553-23 the Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board was provided second reading as amended and third reading by Council.
Three readings were provided to Bylaw No. 1555-23 a Bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 1535-22 to establish and govern the operation of the Events Committee.
Second and third reading were given to Bylaw No. 1552-23 the Joint Assessment Review Board Bylaw.
BRIEFLY: The Municipal Planning Commission approved a development permit with a 50 per cent yard variance with conditions.
Council tabled discussion about the Branding Strategy. The item will be brought to the Oct. 17 Governance and Priorities Meeting for further review and discussion.