Council Highlights June 13

Jun 20, 2023 | 2023, Council Highlights, News





DONATIONS & ISSUING DONATION RECEIPTS POLICY: The Donations and Issuing Donations Receipts Policy was approved by Council. The purpose of this policy is to set out the guiding principles for the eligibility and definition of donations made to the Town of Bonnyville, eligibility of donations receipts, and amount to be recognized.

DEPUTY MAYOR: Coun. Neil Langridge was sworn in as Deputy Mayor during the Council Meeting. His term will go until March 15, 2024. The next term will be served by Coun. Byron Johnson, which will begin on March 16, 2024.

FUNDING REQUEST: A Diamond Sponsorship of $2,500 was approved by Council for the Clayton Bellamy Foundation of the Arts Annual Gala and Golf Event to raise funds to build the Strathcona Performing Arts Centre. This level of sponsorship includes eight tickets to the gala, prime event seating, two passes for a private celebrity meet and greet, name dedication of one theatre seat, and more.

REGIONAL SPORTS TOURISM COMMITTEE: Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Regional Sports Tourism Committee (RSTC). The RSTC consists of representatives from the City of Cold Lake, MD of Bonnyville, Village of Glendon, and Town of Bonnyville. Coun. Neil Langridge was appointed to the RSTC during the Jan. 24 Regular Council Meeting. The RSTC is to act as a regional representative and advocate for attracting large sporting events to the region, as well as coordinate the execution of such events on behalf of the partnering municipalities. Coun. Phil Kushnir was appointed as an alternate to the RSTC and the Town will advertise for a Member at Large to join the committee. 

BRIEFLY: The Library Board’s 2022 Financial Statements for the 2022 year were accepted by Council.

A $3,000 sponsorship request from the Ukrainian Canada Congress was declined by Council as the request did not meet enough of the local resident benefit criteria when evaluated against other local events and the Town’s limited budget.

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