Photo Credit Byron Johnson
July 11
GOVERNANCE AND PRIORITIES COMMITTEE BYAW: Three readings were provided for Bylaw No. 1551-23 Governance and Priorities Committee. This committee would be comprised of Council and would be a permanent standing committee that meets on the third Tuesday of each month starting at 12 p.m. The Governance and Priorities Committee meeting would be research and information sessions that are held in a less formal atmosphere than a Regular Council Meeting. They would be open to the public. The committee would not have the power to make decisions but instead could choose to make recommendations to Council, refer an item to Administration or a Council Committee and receive reports or presentations for information.
LETTERS OF SUPPORT: The Bonnyville Friendship Centre will receive a letter of support from the Town for their Government of Canada Indigenous Shelter and Transitional Housing Initiative grant application. If successful, the grant funds will be used to purchase property, build, and operate a Women’s Holistic Haven in Bonnyville.
Council ratified a letter of support for the Bonnyville Senior Citizens Society for their application for the Alberta CIP Operation Grant, which would help with the increasing costs and day-to-day utility costs of running their facility.
FUNDING REQUEST: A $1,000donation was approved by Council for the Kehewin Cree Nation Annual Powwow.
BRIEFLY: The Municipal Planning Commission approved three Development Permits, including a front yard setback, major home occupation business renewal, and change of use for a single-family home to a group home.