Council Highlights Nov. 22

Dec 1, 2022 | 2022, Council Highlights, News





DRAFT II BUDGETS: The second drafts of the 2023 Operational and Capital Budgets were presented during the meeting. The 2023 Operational Budget includes total expenditures of $23,394,796 and the forecasted deficit is sitting at $741,139. The second draft includes a slight increase to the deficit, which is due to a decrease of about $20,100 from the ATCO Electric franchise fee revenue based on the 2023 estimated distribution, an increase of roughly $64,800 Apex utilities franchise fee revenue based on the 2023 estimated delivery revenue, an increase in Administration Service Agreements and Licenses to include a Town App, Escribe, and Question Technology in the amount of $10,900, among others. In order to reduce the deficit, Administration suggested reducing the financial amounts given to outside organizations, increase the utility and garbage fees, review the user fees and charges, and fund any deficit from Reserves. The 2023 Capital Budget was forecasted as balanced at $16,390,093. Administration is anticipating roughly $1.11 million in Provincial Grant funds, which is down slightly from 2022 due to a drop in provincial MSI funding. Changes from Draft I include $18 million in grant funds for the Aquatics Centre in 2025, roughly $93,000 for Public Works Shop upgrades in 2023, trail lighting phase one from Gurneyville Road to Pontiac Park for about $270,900, among others. Administration will present Draft II of the 2023 Operational and Capital Budgets during the Budget Open House in Council Chambers at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 6.

PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION: Council passed a motion to exempt the Dragonfly Counseling and Support Centre from their property taxes for 2023, 2024, and 2025. The Municipal Government Act (MGA) states that a property used for a charitable or benevolent purpose that is for the benefit of the general public and owned by a non-profit organization eligible to be exempt from taxation.

TAX SALE LISTING: A public auction will be held on March 15, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. for two properties who have not had their property taxes paid and are on the tax recovery arrears list. Numerous letters, reminder notices, and current tax notices have been sent to the property owners but have not resulted in payment of the property tax arrears. The outstanding taxes includes amounts from 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and penalties.

BRIEFLY: Coun. Kayla Blanchette was appointed to be the Regional Representative on the Family and Community Support Services (FCSSAA) Association of Alberta as a Town Council representative.

Two tables for the Bonnyville Health Foundation’s 2023 Hospital Gala will be purchased for $2,000 for the Town of Bonnyville.

A letter of support will be provided by Council to Go East of Edmonton Regional Tourism for their application to the TRF grant for the Road trip Adventure Game product development and Tourism Operator Training.

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