Council Highlights March 22

Mar 28, 2022 | 2022, Council Highlights, News

Town of Bonnyville

Council Highlights

Regular Council Meeting

March 22

COUNCIL MEETINGS: The public will once again be able to attend Council Meetings in person. Council passed a motion to reopen Council Meetings to residents and those wishing to make delegations to Council. During the Sept. 14 meeting, Council passed a motion to close Council Meetings to the public to help stop the spread of COVID-19. With the province moving into step two of their plan to remove COVID-19 restrictions, Council had the option to welcome residents back to their meetings and voted to do so. The April 12 Regular Council Meeting will be opened to the public. Regular Council Meetings will continue to be available on the Town’s Youtube channel for viewing for two weeks after the Council Meeting date.  

NLLS 2022 LEVY: Council passed a motion to approve the presented Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) Board 2022 Levy in the amount of $33,587, which is the same amount as 2021.

DELEGATION: Chantelle Vallee and Jesse Stein from the Adolescent and Youth Mental Health Collaborative made a presentation to Council outlining the new youth services in Town, the Hive, and explained how it will compliment the work already being done by the Adolescent and Youth Mental Health Collaborative. The Hive will be offering programming to youth 14 to 21 and is hoping to be operational by June of this year.

C2 Funding Request: The Bonnyville and District Centennial Centre requested to use $125,000 of funds held in the C2 Operating Reserve, $100,000 from the unused 2022 Capital Funding, and $48,000 from the 2021 Reserve Funding to be used for the Agriplex Capital Renovations.

PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE: The Proposed Road Closure Bylaw for a portion of the lane behind 4802 47 Ave. passed first reading. Administration will send a request to close the lane to the provincial government. If the province approves the request, the bylaw will be brought back before Council for second and third reading.

FUNDING REQUEST: Council discussed a funding request for up to $15,000 from the Bonnyville Ag Society to be a sponsor for the World Chuckwagon Races and CPRA. In previous years, Council supported these events with various levels of funding. As Council had some questions regarding the events, administration will be reaching out to the ag society for the organization to make a delegation at a future Council meeting.

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