Council Highlights June 28

Jun 29, 2022 | 2022, Council Highlights, News

Photo Credit Zachary Ferguson-Frick

Photo Credit Zachary Ferguson-Frick





DELEGATIONS: There were two delegations presented to Council. The first was Community Futures Lakeland, who gave an overview of what they have done in the last year and their plans for the coming year. One subject touched on was an update on the 2021/22 program funding provided by the Town for the Community Beatification Program. There were five grants from the municipality, which cost the Town roughly $13,800. The other delegation saw representatives from the Lakeland Society for Truth and Reconciliation giving Council an overview of who they are and the events they have planned for the future. They requested a donation of $500 for the Town to sponsor a theatre show coming to Town called “You used to call me Marie” in August. Council also passed a motion to purchase seven orange shirts for $140.

FUNDING REQUESTS: Council approved a one-time funding request to the Clayton Bellamy Foundation for the Arts Theatre for $100,000 to develop a state-of-the-art venue, subject to the Foundation obtaining CFEP funding. A $250 donation was also approved for Kiev’s-H-Hi Camp, which will go towards repair and restoration of the camp in preparation for the campers.

DEPUTY MAYOR TERMS: New terms have been set for Deputy Mayor as a result of Coun. Phil Kushnir recently informing Council that he would prefer not to be appointed as Deputy Mayor. Instead of councillors being appointed for eight months, they will now hold the position 9.5 months. Coun. Brian McEvoy will hold the position until Aug. 15, 2022, with Coun. Kayla Blanchette assuming the position From Aug. 16, 2022 to May 31, 2023.

Photo Credit Zachary Ferguson-Frick

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