Town of Bonnyville
Council Highlights
Special Council Meeting
Jan. 18
Aquatics Centre Feasibility Study: Stephen Slawuta with RC + Perc Strategies and BR2 Architecture representative Shaun Visser made a presentation to Town Council on behalf of the Regional Aquatics Committee for the Bonnyville Regional Aquatics Centre Visioning and Feasibility Study. The process began with an extensive amount of public engagement, which included public surveys, display panels, and stakeholder discussion sessions that gathered over 1,000 responses about the project. The key findings from the engagement were that:
-an indoor aquatics centre is an important local and regional amenity
-there is a demand for more dynamic leisure-based aquatics opportunities
-creating a hub of amenities at the C2, an existing facility owned jointly by the MD and Town, was seen as the best location
-cost recovery varies for pools of similar sized communities
-comfort and convenience amenities are important for residents at a new pool.
Two conceptual options were created. Both designs included a main pool with six lanes, separate leisure aquatics, such as a lazy river, splash features, among others, a water slide, Birthday party/flex room, change rooms, viewing area, among others. The capital cost estimates, which could change as the original numbers are based on 2019 dollars, ranges from $20.05-million and $21.86-million. Council accepted the presentation as information and support the construction of the new Aquatics Centre, on principle, subject to a partnership agreement with the MD of Bonnyville for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the facility and subject to the successful realization of grant funding to assist in construction costs.
The Bonnyville Aquatics Centre Committee was made up of residents from the MD and Town of Bonnyville, along with elected officials.