Photo credit Byron Johnson
SNOW REMOVAL POLICY: The newly updated and modernized Snow Removal Policy was approved by Council. There are now timelines, which are based on current operational projections and budgets. The timelines included also serve as a reliable baseline for future service level improvement discussions, should they become necessary. Roads are categorized by usage and type. There are five priorities. Higher ranking roads, such as major arterials, emergency routes, and collector roads, will typically be cleared before lower prioritized roads, such as residential streets and alleyways. Snow removal schedules will be shared on the Town’s social media, website, and app in the future.
DEPUTY MAYOR: Coun. Kayla Blanchette was sworn in as Deputy Mayor during the meeting. Deputy Mayor Blanchette’s term be from Tuesday, August 16 to Tuesday May 31, 2023. Coun. Neil Langridge will be appointed Deputy Mayor on June 1, 2023.
FUNDING REQUEST: A funding request of $35,000 from the Bonnyville Friendship Centre Men’s Shelter was approved by Council. The amount was included in the 2022 budget. The Bonnyville Friendship Centre is currently waiting for applications to open for grant streams to aid in funding the Men’s Shelter and will continue to investigate alternative funding avenues for this program.
2023 BUDGET DELEGATIONS: The 2023 Budget Delegations will be done a little different this year. As there are up to 18 Community Organizations that will be making funding requests to the Town, Administration offered a few alternatives than adding them as delegations during regular meetings, which is what has been done in years past. There will be up to three Special Council Meeting in the fall to schedule the 2023 Budget Delegations.