Fall Clean-Up 2023

Oct 3, 2023 | News

The Town of Bonnyville’s Fall Clean-Up is October 10 to 13.

Please ensure all items are in the back lane before 7:30 a.m. on Oct. 10, 2023.

Back Lane Clean-Up

-Large Furniture
-Car bodies

Car bodies will be picked up by appointment only. Please call 780-826-3550 to arrange an appointment. Tires, batteries, and fuel must be removed from cars.
Large items must be ready for pickup at the lane before 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023. No appointment is necessary.
Town equipment WILL NOT travel onto private property.

Yard Waste Collection

Yard waste clean-up will be Oct.10 to 13 to allow residents to clean their yards.
This pick-up will be restricted to yard waste. Example: tree branches under three feet to be bundled and general landscaping waste.
Make sure your yard waste is set out in the back lane before 7:30a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023.

Materials NOT picked up: Sod, rocks, construction material, wood, dirt, small loose materials, household hazardous waste, and dog and cat feces.

The Recycle Compound

The Town of Bonnyville has recycle bins for most types of recyclable items to reduce the amount of waste at our transfer station.

The Recycling Compound has bins for the following items:
-Rinsed plastic containers
-Office paper, magazines &books
-Rinsed glass jars
-Plastic shopping bags
-Rinsed tin cans
-household batteries
-household hazardous waste
Visit www.albertarecycle.cafor a full list of household hazardous waste.

Used oil, tires, propane bottles, fluorescent lightbulbs, and steel are collected and recycled.

Compost Material

-Grass clippings (may be bagged)
-Garden refuse
-Leaves (may be bagged)
-Plant material
Set compostable in the back, in a neat pile, separate from any waste and set out on the same day as residential pick up.
For this one-time program only, do NOT mix with any other non-compostable material.
Do NOT bag or box plant material or garden refuse, place it in a neat pile at the rear of your yard.

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