Wildfire season in Alberta officially starts on March 1 and runs until October 31 each year.
Get informed. Knowledge helps us better prepare for emergencies, disasters and life’s inconveniences.
Visit wildfire.alberta.ca , where you can:
- Stay current on Alberta’s wildfire situation
- Check for fire bans or restrictions in your area
- Download the new Alberta Wildfire app
Heavy Rain:
As warm weather approaches, now is a good time to prepare your home or property from potential flooding. A little upkeep on your property can go a long way.
- Check your eavestroughs and downspouts and clear out any leaves or clogs, so snowmelt and rainwater does not pool on your roof.
- Help prevent pooling water on the ground by clearing debris and breaking up jams so water can flow freely towards drainage.
- Make sure your downspouts drain away from your property.
You can find more flood preparedness tips at: alberta.ca/floods.aspx
Extreme Cold:
Alberta winters are notorious for their bone-chilling temperatures, and Bonnyville is no exception. When the mercury drops, a little preparation can go a long way. Stay safe, warm, and ready with these essential extreme cold weather tips!
Extreme Cold Weather Tips — Stay Safe and Prepared!
- Keep a steady drip running from your taps to prevent frozen water and sewer lines.
- Double-check that windows and doors are fully sealed to keep the cold out.
- Clear ice buildup from furnace exhausts to prevent faults or dangerous fume build-up.
- Going away? Have someone check your home to ensure the furnace is running and no water lines have burst.
- Tenants: Contact your landlord first if issues arise.
- Keep sidewalks clear for safe foot traffic.
- Keep pets indoors, limiting outside time to quick breaks.
- Turn off interior valves for outdoor taps, and leave taps open to drain and prevent freezing.
- Open cupboards near pipes to circulate warm air; consider adding insulation or a small heater if needed.
- Check in on your neighbors — we’re all weathering this cold snap together.
Winter Driving:
Take one minute today to watch the video below for some tips to keep you safe on the road, and before you drive don’t forget to check 511.alberta.ca for current road conditions.
When an emergency or disaster affects your area, you can make the situation more manageable if you know who you can call for help and have a plan to keep in touch with your network.
Build an emergency contact list so you can respond quickly. Include:
- Important emergency contact numbers for your community
- Work and cellphone numbers for each person in your family or home
- Contact information for your doctors, veterinarian, pharmacy, insurance provider and any other supports you may need to call for advise or help
Keep a paper copy of the list in your home and a digital copy that you can access with your phone or computer. Remember, you may not have access to power. Digital solutions need a back up.
Visit alberta.ca/MakeAPlan to learn more tips on building an emergency contact list.
Vehicle Preparedness:
Alberta’s hazard season is upon us. If an emergency or disaster affects your area, you may be required to evacuate on short notice.
In these situations, services such as gas stations can be disrupted and roads closed down. Stay ready and informed by:
- Keeping vehicle tanks full
- Updating your vehicle emergency kit
- Downloading the Alberta Emergency Alert app at emergencyalert.alberta.ca
For more preparedness content, tools and resources, visit alberta.ca/beprepared
As spring approaches, the potential for flood damage increases, especially in low-lying areas along rivers or in ravines. Is flooding a risk in your community?
Visit alberta.ca/floods.aspx to learn more about:
- What you can do to prepare before a flood
- What you can do during and after a flood
- How to stay informed by downloading the Alberta Rivers: Data and Advisories app or by visiting rivers.alberta.ca
Visit floods.alberta.ca to learn more about your level of risk.
Fire Smarts:
To help protect your home from wildfire, FireSmart it:
- remove flammable items that are within 5 feet of your property
- keep roof and gutters free from debris
- prune trees and shrubs regularly
- conduct a FireSmart home assessment
Talk to your neighbors about what you can do to FireSmart your community.
Learn more about how you can FireSmart your property, your community and your industry.
Utility Outages:
Many of Alberta’s hazards, such as high winds, freezing rain, wildfires, and flooding, can damage power lines causing power outages.
One thing you can do to prepare for an outage is have a back-up power source for your phone. During an outage, turn cell phones to battery-saving mode and limit their use.
Learn more about what you can do to prepare for an outage:
Emergency vs Disaster:
What is the difference between an Emergency and a Disaster?
Harmful Hazards:
What are Hazards and how they can affect you?
How to Prepare for a Tornado
Financially Prepared:
How can you be financially prepared for a disaster?
How can you prepare for an emergency or disaster without spending a lot of money?
Pet Safety:
How can you ensure your pets are safe when an emergency occurs?
Emergency Kits:
Why Should you have an emergency kit and what goes in your emergency kit?
Clink HERE for PDF recourses.