Council Highlights Dec. 13

Dec 16, 2022 | 2022, Council Highlights, News





INTERIM BUDGETS: Council approved the 2023 Interim Operational and Capital Budgets. The Operational Budget is balanced at $23,334,729. In order to balance the Operational Budget, it includes a two per cent tax increase, two per cent utility and garbage fee increase, increases for Landfill and Transfer Station rates, and a transfer from the General Operating Reserve of $320,835 to balance. There was also a reduction to requests from outside organizations to align with what they received in 2022. The $16,390,093 Capital Budget is also balanced. Administration is anticipating $1,116,901 in grant funds from the provincial government, $6,174,096 in 2023 funding from ID349, which is the same amount the Town received in 2021. Local improvement tax revenue in the amount of $84,000 in included, accounting for the potential Lane Paving Project. Reserve transfers for equipment replacement has also been adjusted to $1,041,000. Administration reviewed the capital projects and reprioritized the Aquatics Centre to be completed in 2025. After the Interim Budgets were included, Council also approved amendments to existing bylaws to include the increases that were included in the Operational Budget.

GRANTS: The Community Donations Policy was repealed and replaced by three new policies that will go into effect on Jan. 1. 2023. They are the Community Grants Policy, Sponsorships and Donations Policy, and Grant Recognition Policy. Administration recently performed a review of the Community Donations Policy due to an increase in requests for financial assistance from local organizations and nonprofits. All three of the new policies will create frameworks and guidelines for Administration when responding to applications to the Town.

LETTERS OF SUPPORT: The Government of Alberta will be receiving a letter from the Town of Bonnyville urging them to put a halt to the changes to Victim Services Units across Alberta until proper clarification of all the proposed changes and how these changes will not negatively impact the Bonnyville Victim Services Unit can be addressed. This was done after Administration received an email from Celine Michaud, President of the Bonnyville Victim Services on behalf of their Board of Directors. Council also ratified a letter of support for the Bonnyville Minor Hockey Association for the Alberta Female Hockey League Bid application they had to expand U13AA and U15AA Elite Female Hockey in Bonnyville.

DELEGATION: Northern Lights Library Systems (NLLS) representatives James MacDonald and Vicki Lefebvre outlined the benefits the local branch has by being a member of NLLS. The Bonnyville Municipal Library saves just over $1 million through the NLLS, which is through NLLS buying and cataloging new books into the system, IT assistance, among other services.

BIREFLY: Council ratified the purchase of three tickets to the Kehewin Cree Nation Pow Wow Committee Glitz and Glam Christmas Gala that was held on Dec. 3.

Council ratified the appointment of Coun. Kushnir as delegate for the N.E. Muni-Corr Committee and Mayor Elisa Brosseau as the alternate for the remainder of the one-year term, which will be revisited at a future organizational meeting.

A $500 donation was approved for the Kehew Paskwaw Meadows Association for the Kehewin Handgames Tournament, which is happening in Kehewin on Dec. 28 and 29.

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