Council Highlights May 9

May 10, 2023 | 2023, Council Highlights, News





TAX RATE BYLAW: The 2023 Tax Rate Bylaw passed all three readings by Council. The bylaw was prepared to process the 2023 assessments and tax notices. The Tax Rate and the 2023 Operating Budget reflect an overall municipal tax dollar increase of two per cent. The 2023 Supplementary Tax Rate Bylaw also received all three readings, which is the same as the tax rate for regular taxes that is applied to the notices that will be sent out in May.

CANCELLED MEETING: The May 23 Regular Meeting of Council has been cancelled. This is due to members of Council and the CAO being required to travel to Edmonton that evening to attend the 2023 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Conference in Toronto. The next Regular Council Meeting will be June 13.

DONATION REQUEST: A $1,000 donation will be given to the Bonnyville Shooting Sports Association (BSSA) for the 2023 Alberta International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) Provincials in September. This event is estimated to bring 220 people to Bonnyville, which will support local hotels and restaurants.

BIREFLY: Council directed Administration to send correspondence to the MD of Bonnyville to explore the option of utilizing the Regional Sports and Tourism Committee to make a bid for the 2026 Alberta Summer/Winter Games.

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